That in Italy, saint's remains are normal! They have a name, but at the moment I can't remember what they're called, these saint's remains. But they're all over the place, and I'm not quite sure what to think of them.

I don't remember what saint this is, but the picture is in Milano's Duomo.

Also in Duomo

This is in the Chiesa Sant'Ambrogio. It's not an altar, its a tomb, with the (surprise, surprise!) remains of two decapitated saints inside

This is Sant'Ambrogio, in the flesh! He's the patron saint of Milano.

Sant'Ambrogio, again.

I can't remember if this was in Duomo or Chiesa di Sant'Ambrogio, but its the remains of another saint. I told you there were a lot!

This is the view into the courtyard of my sister's new apartment in Milano!

The stairs up to my sister's new apartment. She's on the top floor, but there's an elevator!

A pretty house above a pastry shop in Monza

The streets of Monza, cobblestone!

This is probably my favorite statue of Mary, ever. I love the crown of stars!

Mmm.. Italian Pastries!

This man thinks the best way for him to earn money is to paint himself gold.


Duomo di Monza

This is Rebecca! It was her 18th birthday Saturday!

Ellen, Camilla (she's Italian) and Rebecca

From Left to Right: Allie, Me, Rebecca, Ellen and Steven. We're all American, and I'm the only one in this particular group who doesn't live in Monza.

These are notes a man on a plane gave to Rebecca.

Rebecca had a get-together to celebrate her birthday last Saturday. All the American students living in Monza and I went to her house for pizza, cake, and petite pastries. The food was fantastic, but the company was better! We all shared stores of why we chose to come to Italy, and what it took to get here. I think I was the most fortunate out of all the students, I didn't have any problem at all getting my visa, or my tickets, or anything! My mom sent my passport and some documents to the Italian embassy in Philly, and they sent everything back, along with a visa. For me, that was that. The other students, however, had to be physically present at the embassy. Allie ended up having to go to NYC 5 times before she got her visa! One of the times, she even slept on the sidewalk to keep her place in line! Rebecca didn't get her passport and visa back from the embassy until the day before she flew out! Rebecca is from Northern California, by the way. She had an interesting story to tell, about her flight from California to St. Paul, Missouri: She was sitting on the plane, before it even left the airport, and she started crying a little. The woman sitting next to her said "It's alright, I cried the first time I left home, too." Then, from across the aisle, a middle aged man reached over and gave her the note pictured above.. Read it. That was before the plane even took off. As the plane was taxiing down the runway, the second note was passed to her.. she told us "I was like, 'Oh boy, this is going to be one long flight!'" What an interesting way to start a year abroad.
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