I'm blaming them for the cold I've come down with.
Today was actually a pretty good day, even though it's a Monday! I woke up on time, and felt cheerful right away. Surprising, since morning-person is not a phrase that describes me in any regard.
School started off well, too, considering I had 2 free hours first thing. Usually, I have tutoring, but lessons stopped. I'm changing my schedule soon, though, so this won't happen anymore. Third hour, I went to geography. Geography isn't really geography, it's more economy, and the teacher's [very liberal] opinions. Today, she looked at me suddenly and said "Dori! Go get me a coffee!" She gave me the money, and off I went to the coffee machine. It felt strange, fetching the teacher her caffiene, but I've seen other students bring her coffee, so it's a normal thing. Geopgraphy flew by, and then we had intervallo. I walked to my next class, and scolded my classmates for leaving the windows open. They did math, and I fiddled around with my year planner. I don't do math with them because it's trigonometry, or calculous, or one of those maths that I never plan to do. After math came English, followed by gym. We played badminton in gym, which none of the Italians had ever played before. After gym, I ate lunch with a couple of girls, then walked to the gym. As I was walking into the gym, I heard a woman asking questions about getting a membership. She had a strange accent, and so I asked where she was from. Turned out she was English, here to teach at the middle school! She asked where I was from, and when I told her I'm American, she said "What are you doing in Gallarate?" Like it's the last place an American would come. It's interesting to me that we held an entire conversation in Italian, both of us knowing that the other spoke English. That was my high point of the day.
While I walk on the treadmill, I listen to my iPod, which is set on shuffle. Today, Donny Osmond's "Close Every Door" came on, and for some reason, it made me cry. After that, "Don't Stop Believin'" came on, and I was back to my chipper old self, just like that. This just shows what an emotional ping-pong ball I am.
For dinner, we had pasta al salmone, (salmon pasta) followed by arrosto (roast something) followed by salad, and finally fruit. We talked about sports all dinner, but not statistics. I tried to explain lacrosse, but I didn't do a very good job. Chicca told me she'll never understand the point of American Baseball, which I thought was kind of funny.
Well, considering I'm coming down with a cold, I think it's best I head off to bed! I hope everyone's having a good Monday!
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