Monday, February 18, 2008


Finally, I presented my powerpoint of Alaska.

Well, I tried to present, but the prof had a lot of input and questions, so things didn't go exactly as I had planned them to.

I was happy though, after explaining that I lived on Kodiak island for my dad's job, the prof asked me to describe what Dad did.

I didn't know the word "rescue" in Italian, so I said "He used to fly helicopters to go and save people in boats that sink." Yes, I know the word sink in Italian! Thanks to watching Titanic.
After saying this, the prof exclaimed "Oh! Your father is a hero, then!" I certainly think so.

The bell rang, and as the class was leaving the room we were in, the prof asked me to make another presentation, this one about my father's life...

I told her we could just watch The Guardian.

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